I am excited to announce that I'll be standing as the Green Party candidate in Walthamstow, come the next General Election. It'll be great to give the voters a chance to vote Green and also to raise the profile of the party locally. I am looking forward to getting to know another borough, including the people and the issues they face. It's going to be a challenge, especially if the local elections and the GE are called on the same day in 2010. I hope to be standing in our target ward in Haringey, so would be rather busy, let's put it that way! Good job I'm not afraid of hard work.
Speaking of hard work, Andy Moore, from the Campaign for Real Recycling, accompanied me to the Haringey Council Recycling Scrutiny Review meeting this evening at the Civic Centre. He put across the facts about how rubbish - quite literally - co-mingled recycling is. Sadly, it looks like the council have already made up their minds about this issue. However, one thing's for sure - they can't plead ignorance now. We've given them the facts - and we won't be shutting up just yet either!
* Hurricane refers to my nickname, amongst some in the Green Party, of 'Hurricane Mitch'. Many thanks to Gary Dunion for coming up with this inventive moniker. I have been called worse things, that's for sure.
Go get 'em!
And good luck.
Congratulations. In my first British election (2001) I voted in Walthamstow and was very disappointed that there wasn't a Green candidate then!
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